In each human being, a ניצוץ הנתינה dwells within

Giving Back To Our Community
Giving Back To Our Community
Our amazing team of young girls who take their time to volunteer are committed to helping others. The girls are passionate, dedicated, and most of all, selfless. Helping others is constantly on their minds as they will stop at nothing to support those who truly need it.
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Seeing a need for an organization such as ours we formed the Spark of Giving Foundation to provide assistance for families in need. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for many, money was short and food was low. We could not idly stand by and watch mothers, fathers, and children suffer and so we began delivering groceries and cooking meals.
Seeing a need for an organization such as ours we formed the Spark of Giving Foundation to provide assistance for families in need. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for many, money was short and food was low. We could not idly stand by and watch mothers, fathers, and children suffer and so we began delivering groceries and cooking meals.
Since, we've consistently grown and continue to do even more to aid those in need, all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community!
Our Mission is to support and aid families in need with whatever it is they are lacking. We aspire to ignite the ניצוץ הנתינות in each person and inspire them to give back.
Copyright © 2020 Spark of Giving, a division of The Elie & Tina Levy Foundation, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.